Facility Maintenance

Amalgamated Services Inc. (ASI) specializes in federal, commercial, governmental, and industrial settings and is available with a two hour or less response time in emergency situations, 24/7/365
What makes ASI the right choice?
ASI has executed Facility Maintenance and O&M initiatives in geographically diverse areas from the east and west coasts to America’s heartland
ASI continues to fulfill contract requirements for thirteen separate federal agencies
ASI routinely satisfies the needs of Building Managers, Contracting Officers (COs), and Contracting Officers Representatives (CORs)
In response to emergency work requests, ASI has regularly demonstrated seamless coordination between its employees and subcontractor personnel
ASI habitually exhibits a keen proficiency in reducing expenses to its clients through the application of sensible labor and material cost controls
ASI performs regular maintenance to building mechanical and electrical systems, oftentimes postponing costly equipment replacement for several years, thereby reducing overall costs
ASI insists its project managers practice daily communications with Building Managers, COs, and CORs
Quality is assured through the oversight of ASI’s
Quality Assurance / Quality Control Team
ASI’s AR and AP Department faithfully demonstrates a particular acumen for clear, concise accounting and billing procedures, thereby reducing questions and complications for Building Managers, COs, and CORs
ASI’s Owner Karen Riffice and her Management Team are never more than a phone call away